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UK new film analysis Friday 16th May: Godzilla set to rule the box office

UK new film analysis Friday 16th May: Godzilla set to rule the box office

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All studios cleared the way this week as the much hyped monster film Godzilla is released in cinemas and expected to clean up.

The last Hollywood mega budget Godzilla was released back in the summer of 1998 and although big didn't do the numbers as expected. Fast forward nearly 20 years and Gareth Edwards has been put in charge and the hype machine has gone into overdrive.

Expect this film to hit the top spot by a clear margin this weekend, favourable reviews and high expectation have made it a certain for a good opening weekend.

Also out this weekend - Enemy starring Jake Gyllenhaal - The Two Faces of January starring Kirsten Dunst and Viggo Mortensen

This weeks top 10 UK Box Office films

    See full chart
    Robert Hyde

    Robert has been a film buff since he first visited the old Palace Cinema in High Wycome when he was young.

    After working for Ritz Video Film Hire, later Blockbuster Express, it cemented his interest in film and gave him the drive to go to university with the intention of working in the industy.

    6 years of college/university studying film and Culture and he decided to take a different path, so he taught himself to develop websites.

    8 years at Amazon, 3 years at eBay, a year at PayPal and 6 years running his own digital marketing agency and here we are writing and developing

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